Delta Element / Bi Metallic Steam Traps

Steam traps that will provide years of trouble-free service with no live steam loss. The Delta Element trap can operate in applications with constant back pressure of up to 70% of inlet pressures.

– Long-term, trouble-free service due to single blade element, stainless steel internals, built-in strainer and check valve
– Only 30-40% of total pressure drop occurs over seating surface resulting in long valve life

– Problems due to cyclic discharge are eliminated with modulating discharge

– High cold discharge capacities provide fast start-up capabilities

– Excellent heat transfer and minimum corrosion by continuous air and CO2 venting

Steam Traps

Along with the Delta Element steam traps, Bestobell also offers thermodynamic disc traps, sanitary clean steam traps and capsule traps.
Bestobell offers two types of disc traps: The DT711 with working pressures up to 711 psi and the DTCS which is a non-sanitary trap. The BTCS Series is a sanitary steam rap designed specifically for clean steam systems. There are two types of capsule traps – a stainless steel and a forged carbon steel that are ideal for harsh environments.

Inverted Bucket Traps

The inverted bucket trap is a simple design that has a unique leverage system that multiples the force provided by the bucket to open the valve against pressure.
Inverted bucket traps rely on the density difference between steam and water to drain condensate as it forms. An inverted bucket floats in condensate that surrounds the bucket. As the bucket moves up and down in the condensate, a linkage connected to the bucket closes or opens a discharge valve trapping the condensate or allowing it to escape.
The inverted bucket trap has only two moving parts – the valve lever assembly and the bucket. That means no fixed points, no complicated linkage, nothing to stick, bind or clog.

Float & Thermostatic Traps

When steam pressure may vary from maximum steam supply pressure to vacuum, float & thermostatic traps are your most energy-efficient choice. If you need performance, dependability and long life to trapping services requiring continuous drainage with high air venting capacity, we can help.

Float & Thermostatic Traps The FTH-10 Series float and thermostatic steam traps are designed to freely remove large quantities of condensate from systems where dirt and oil are not excessive. They can be found on receivers, separators, intercoolers, reservoirs and driplegs.
Float & Thermostatic Traps The PT Series is a group of float and thermostatic traps for use in the discharging of air and condensate, while preventing steam from entering return piping on steam heating systems and steam process equipment. These traps can be piped in and out from either side, providing installation flexibility. Four models are available to meet a variety of pressure requirements.

Total Traps

A line of compact, thermodynamic style steam trap stations for saturated steam designed to efficiently discharge condensate on applications with working pressures up to 2000 psig (138 bar) and temperatures up to 1000°F (538°C).

Total Trap Stations The Total Trap 3 High Pressure Series is a line of compact, thermodynamic style steam trap stations for saturated steam applications designed to efficiently discharge condensate on applications with working pressures up to 900 psi (62 bar) and temperatures up to 800°F (427°C).
Total Trap Stations The Total Trap 4 is a compact, thermodynamic style steam trap station for superheated steam applications designed to efficiently discharge condensate on applications with working pressures up to 2000 psig (138 bar) and temperatures up to 1000°F (538°C).


Specialized accessories are offered to maximize the efficiency of your systems including pressure regulators, steam detectors and y-type strainers.

Pressure Regulators The PR3G is a hard seated pressure reducing and regulating valve suitable for steam applications with supply pressures up to 300 psig (20,7 bar). The PR3G offers exceptional performance, easy in-line maintenance, and heavy duty construction for reliable, long-term operation.
Steam Leak Detection Bestobell’s SteamTector 2 offers high sensitivity and great sound quality in a compact package designed for one hand operation. Included in a hard shell case is the instrument, flexible wave guide, headset, touch probe and battery. For industrial steam trap testing nothing can compare! The contact sensor is a proprietary design that delivers a clear signal which is surprisingly free of hiss or electrical “noise”. The SteamTector 2 will accurately test steam traps and valves for internal leaks. It will accurately record the ultrasonic sound signatures of bearings and other moving machinery to gauge the extent of wear and predict failure BEFORE it occurs.
Line Strainers Y-type strainers protect your steam system against the damage to valves, traps and other equipment from foreign matter such as dirt, scale or welding particles in the pipeline. Available with threaded or flanged end connections in carbon steel, stainless steel, bronze or cast iron for services up to 1480 psi (102 bar). Strainers feature a machine-tapered seat for a perfect fit of the removable strainer screen; and a blow-off plug with an optional ball valve which can be added to for in-line blowdown of dirt, scale, etc.

Capsule Traps

Specialised accessories are offered to maximize the efficiency of your systems including pressure regulators, steam detectors and y-type strainers.

Capsule Traps The GSM17 features all stainless steel construction and a built-in strainer for use in or around harsh environments. The trap may be disassembled for thermal capsule replacement or inspection of strainer. For capacities up to 100 lbs/hr at up to 250 psi (17 bar), Delta P, the GSM17 is for use where stainless steel construction is needed on small process equipment, tracers and driplegs. The GCM17 features a forged carbon steel body and all stainless internals with a built-in Y type strainer and check valve for use in or around harsh environments. The trap may be disassembled for thermal capsule replacement or inspection of strainer. For capacities up to 2200 lbs/hr at up to 250 psi (17 bar), Delta P, the GCM17 is for use where significant condense flows are required on process equipment, tracers and driplegs.
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