Pressure Reducing Regulators

The sliding gate pressure reducing regulators are ideal for steam, liquid and gas media. A variety of regulators are available including self-operated, high flow, differential, vacuum, air loaded and pilot operated. Jordan Valve has a large line of pressure reducing regulators to meet many different specifications and applications, from self-operated to pilot-operated. The sliding gate pressure reducing regulators achieve levels of performance, reliability and accuracy that are not found in other valve designs. 

Back Pressure Regulators

The sliding gate back pressure regulators are ideal for steam, liquid and gas media. A variety of regulators are available including self-operated, high flow, differential, vacuum, air loaded and pilot operated.Jordan Valve has a large line of back pressure regulators that meet many different specifications and applications, from self-operated to air-loaded to pilot-operated. The sliding gate back pressure regulators achieve levels of performance, reliability, and accuracy that are not found in other valve designs.The sliding gate back pressure regulators are ideal for steam, liquid, and gas applications.

Temperature Regulators

Jordan Valve offers a complete range of Sliding Gate temperature regulators including self operated, internally piloted, controlled failure, ambient temperature and three ways for mixing/diverting.

Gas & Tank Blanketing Regulators

Jordan Valve offers a complete line of tank blanketing valves including self-operated or pilot-operated, internally sensed, balanced plug or double seated.

Industrial Control Valves

Jordan Valve has a large line of industrial control valves to meet more specifications and applications. From sliding gate control valves to globe, wafer, motor operated, electric, bellows seal and angle body on/off control valves.
Some examples of the different types of control valves we carry include:

  • Sliding gate valves
  • Angle Valves
  • Globe Valves
  • Wafer Style Sliding Gate Valves
  • Electric Valves
  • Motor Operated Valves
  • Bellow Seals Valves

For assistance choosing the right control valve for your application, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Wafer Style Control Valves

Sliding gate control valves offer many advantages including reduced air consumption, easy installation, interchangeable Cv’s, optimal flow control and low maintenance.
Jordan Valve offers 4 types of wafer style control valves.
The original Mark 75 Series control valve that is lightweight, compact body, exceptional performance and price.
We also offer a motor-operated version along with a hand operated option. The handwheel operator allows the user to manually position the valve for optimum flow and lock in place. The piston operated version is used in on/off service.

JCVS Industrial Control Valves

The JCVS line offers a complete line of industrial control valves including globe style, angle style, and rotary valves.

Globe Style/Cage Guided Control Valves

Jordan Valve offers a wide range of globe style/cage guided control valves that can be used in a variety of applications and services.

Mixing/Diverting Control Valves

Jordan Valve offers two types of mixing/diverting control valves: an electric three way and a standard three way.

Motor Operated Control Valves

Jordan Valve offers several motor operated control valves including a sliding gate wafer style valve, a motor control valve, a boiler feedwater control valve, and a three way control valve.

Valve Positioners & Accessories

Jordan Valve offers four different valve positioners including a top mounted, side mounted, smart valve and a flameproof smart positioner along with a variety of valve accessories.

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